

Our office accepts new patients that have a dental emergency and we can accommodate them ASAP. Call us!

Our priority is to see emergency dental patient the same day and relieve their pain or deal with the problem they have. Then, our next step will be to treat the problem and prevent it from recurring. Sometimes, final or definitive treatment can be accomplished during the same emergency visit! Our team is capable of handling any dental emergency effectively and promptly. 

What to do in case of a DENTAL EMERGENCY?

You can use over the counter pain medications according to manufacturer instruction. Make sure you don’t exceed the recommended dosage.
Never place a pill against an aching tooth or the gum tissue.

Apply pressure to area with gauze or clean tissue for about 10 minutes. Avoid pain killers containing Aspirin, as it increases bleeding.

Dislodged, cracked or chipped dental restorations
If you have a loose restoration like a cap, try to take it out to avoid the hazard of inhalation or swallowing it. Don’t forget to bring the crown with you to the dental appointment.

Knocked-out tooth 
Gently rinse your mouth with warm water. Rinse the tooth carefully without touching it and try to place it back into the socket if possible. Otherwise, keep it in a clean container with milk and see a dentist ASAP. You can also store the tooth temporarily in your mouth between your cheek and gum until you get to the office. The sooner you see your dentist, the more likely the tooth can be restored in its place. You can also apply a cold compress to the outside of your mouth or cheek, close to the knocked out tooth, to decrease swelling and pain.
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